Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Oh the Places You'll Go!

It seems as though you are always trying to go somewhere. Sometimes I can't keep up with you and you aren't even mobile yet! You get very frustrated when you can't actually go.

I have found that you like to go upside down. You do not like to lay down but if I lay you back, you will arch your back until i lay you upside down. You will stay there for a moment perfectly content and sucking your fists. You also like to go up and down this way. When I pull you up, you arch your back if you want to go back down.

Today was a hard day for me. You were awake when I took you to daycare. I put you in one of the swings and you fussed your "pick me up fuss" while staring at me. I really wanted to pick you up and cuddle you but I had to leave. You stopped fussing as I was on my way out the door but i was still a little sad for you.


Tanya said...

aww I'm sorry I know how it is to leave your child and feel soo.. yeah sad covers it.

he's so cute and chunky.

Just like logan.. logan just gains all his weight in his face. and has wrist rolls like t.. they can have a roll party....haha