Saturday, March 14, 2009

A Nap in Bear's Bed

I want to transition you to your crib in your own room. Right now you sleep in the pack n play in my room. Whenever you hear me at all, you freak out. Sometimes I give in and bring you to bed with me. It doesn't help either of us though. I wouldn't mind if you slept well in my bed, but you do not. You whine, whimper, thrash around. Unless I allow you to sleep attached to the boob. I'm sorry baby, you are getting a little too old to be sleeping attached to the boob.

Your morning nap was a little rough. I tried the crib first but after 20 minutes of flipping out, I gave up. I then tried the pack n play and got another 20 minutes of flipping out. I eventually gave up and laid down with you to nap.

Second nap, you fell asleep nursing. I carried you to your crib and put you down. 5 minutes of fussing later, you were asleep.
I think I'm nervous about putting you in your crib at night because you will be so far away from me. Hopefully after a few days of napping in there, I will be more confident about your ability to sleep in the crib for the night (or just more comfortable with letting you be so far away).

And yes, that is a stuffed animal and a blanket in bed with him...