Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sleep? Maybe Sleep Here...

It is 10:03 and you just went down for your second nap today. We had a very rough night and you got up very early. You must be extremely tired. Your first nap only lasted about an hour. Not your worst but not your best either. I always debate about where to put you down for your naps. You seem to do well in the living room on the floor or couch. I am worried about putting you on the couch now since you are rolling so much (especially when you wake up angry that you were sleeping). I have tried putting you in the crib several times but usually you just play there. The swing is by far the best place for your naps but it is against our sleep training rules. The book says if I continue to let you sleep in the swing you will never learn to sleep on your own. Also, you are getting too big for the swing and it struggles to swing you.

I put you down on the living room floor for both of your naps so far today. Pictures like this one are so funny to me because you often sleep with your eyes slightly open. I have been told I do the same thing but it still looks so strange. You have done that ever since you were tiny.
I am crossing my fingers that this nap is better than the last one. You always have a better night when we get good naps throughout the day.

Well now, that didn't last.
In the time it took for me to write this entry, you were wide awake again! And somehow you turned towards me in a matter of just a few seconds. I couldn't even sneak up on you and try to pat you back to sleep. I tried explaining to you that naps are important so that you feel good all day but there is just no reasoning with my playful boy. I guess we will try again in a little while.